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The Dangerous Consequences of DEI Hiring in Law Enforcement

Jul 16

3 min read




The recent attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through the nation. While the immediate focus has been on the shocking nature of the attack, a deeper, more troubling issue underlies this event—the impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) hiring practices within our law enforcement agencies, including the police, Secret Service, and FBI. This incident highlights how prioritizing DEI over merit and excellence can have catastrophic consequences for national security and public safety.

The Rise of DEI in Law Enforcement

Over the past few years, DEI initiatives have become a dominant force in hiring practices across various sectors, including law enforcement. These initiatives are designed to create a more diverse workforce by prioritizing race, gender, and other identity markers over qualifications and performance. While the goal of promoting diversity is laudable, the unintended consequences of these practices can be severe.

The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump has exposed glaring weaknesses in our security apparatus. It appears that the attackers exploited vulnerabilities within the Secret Service and other agencies tasked with protecting the former president. These vulnerabilities may be directly linked to DEI hiring practices that have compromised the effectiveness of these agencies.

How DEI Hiring Practices Compromise Security

1. Lowering Standards: DEI hiring often involves lowering entry and performance standards to meet diversity quotas. This can result in the recruitment of less qualified individuals who may lack the necessary skills and experience to perform their duties effectively. In high-stakes environments like the Secret Service or FBI, this can lead to critical lapses in security.

2. Fostering Division: Prioritizing identity over merit can create an atmosphere of division within law enforcement agencies. When officers or agents are hired or promoted based on their race or gender rather than their abilities, it can lead to resentment and a lack of cohesion within the ranks. This disunity can undermine teamwork and effectiveness, which are crucial in ensuring the safety of public figures.

3. Erosion of Trust: DEI practices can erode public trust in law enforcement agencies. When the public perceives that individuals are being placed in critical positions based on identity politics rather than competence, confidence in these institutions diminishes. This can have far-reaching consequences, from decreased cooperation with law enforcement to a lack of faith in the justice system.

The Need for Excellence Over Diversity

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is a stark reminder that excellence, not diversity, must be the primary criterion for hiring in law enforcement. The safety and security of our nation depend on having the most qualified and capable individuals in positions of power and responsibility. While diversity is important, it should not come at the expense of competence and performance.

Moving Forward: Ending DEI to Restore Excellence

To restore excellence in our law enforcement agencies, it is imperative that we end DEI hiring practices that prioritize identity over merit. Here are some steps to achieve this:

1. Reevaluate Hiring Criteria: Law enforcement agencies must reevaluate their hiring criteria to ensure that qualifications, skills, and experience are the primary factors in recruitment and promotion. Diversity should be a secondary consideration, not a primary objective.

2. Promote Merit-Based Policies: Agencies should implement and promote merit-based hiring and promotion policies that reward performance and competence. This will help build a workforce that is capable, cohesive, and effective.

3. Enhance Training and Development: Investing in comprehensive training and development programs can help all officers and agents reach their full potential. By focusing on skill development rather than identity, agencies can improve overall performance and security.

4. Foster Unity and Cohesion: Building a culture of unity and cohesion within law enforcement agencies is essential. This can be achieved by emphasizing shared goals and values over identity politics, fostering an environment where all members are valued for their contributions.


The attempted assassination of Donald Trump has highlighted the dangerous consequences of DEI hiring practices within our law enforcement agencies. To ensure the safety and security of our nation, we must prioritize excellence over diversity in these critical institutions. By ending DEI hiring and promoting merit-based practices, we can restore the effectiveness, trust, and unity needed to protect our leaders and uphold the rule of law.


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